Does an MRI have radiation?

The term MRI means “magnetic resonance imaging” which means it uses radio waves and magnetic fields to put together images. You may be wondering “Does an MRI expose you to radiation?” The answer is “no.”

Now you must be asking yourself, “if no radiation is used then how does an MRI work?” Let’s take a look at how an MRI works, since it does not use radiation.

In the course of an MRI, immensely powerful radio waves are transmitted through the body. The radio waves are 10,000 to 30,000 times more powerful than the magnetic pull of the earth. This process moves the nuclei of the atoms temporarily to discharge radio waves of their own. Once they are moved back, they discharge their own radio waves, these radio waves are then captured by the scanner. A special computer program which converts the data into images that are interpreted by the radiologist.

You may feel worried or stressed about receiving radiation from experience with other medical tests like CT scans. It could help calm your mind if you think about radiation being in a lot of our electronic society. You are exposed to radiation through the use of cell phones, televisions, computers, and even when you fly in an airplane you may draw in the identical amount of radiation as when you get a chest x-ray.

If you are looking for a same day MRI scan, contact us today for more information.

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